Is your name on the Government Unclaimed funds database?

Contact us to Check if there is money in your name

I believe that I (or a family member who has ) had some superannuation savings as I had paid into in the Norman Kirk Complusory Super savings scheme while I was working for wages during the period April 1975 to Feb 1977.   

The Government may have lost contact with me as;

a) I moved around a lot and changed address in the mid 1970s


b) I had several different jobs during the mid 1970s


c) I Changed my name when I got married so the Goverment could not locate me.


d) Recorded my name incorrectly,(misspelt) so consequently I have been untraceable by usual methods.


e) I travelled and worked overseas during the late 1970's and the Goverment could not locate me to repay me the funds.


I did NOT work in a Government Job (like the Post Office)  where I would have paid into the Government Super Fund Scheme known as the GSF.


Can you check for me?

This service is provided free of charge and I will only be invoiced a one off finders fee plus expenses based on the successful repatriation of my repaid savings into my bank account.  

So there is no fee payable if there are no funds repaid to the rightful owner or heir.


Include your contact Phone and / or Mobile number. 


You can call me; Allan Tucker, directly on 04 2329233 between 09:00 am and 08:00 pm weekdays and weekends.

Or text to my mobile; 027 44 56 751 or International Text to +64 27 44 56 751